Light Your Fuse – Empower Yourself.

Light Your Fuse-Empower Yourself


We are all like sticks of dynamite. The power is on the inside of us
…..but nothing happens until the fuse gets lit.

That really inspired me when I first read it. It is just so true. I really believe that every single person has something special and unique inside them. The reason why some are able to develop that and show it to the world is because they light the fuse. That’s what it means to empower ourselves. No one else can empower us. We have to do it ourselves. Others can encourage, support, motivate and inspire us, but only we can take that final step and light the fuse. When we do that, we take off. All those talents and all that potential we have inside us is activated and released.

Some people think the word “empowerment” is an old word belonging to the 1970s when it first emerged in popular jargon. I certainly don’t think that, especially when my main business is called “People Empowered”. More than ever today, in the midst of a complex, uncertain, ambiguous and paradoxical world, we need to be able to believe in the “power within” which is what empowerment is about. We can very easily be overcome with fear, doubt, frustration, disillusionment and depression and never even explore the breadth of our inner resources. We never experience what it means to stretch ourselves to the edges of our potential.

So, if you want to light your fuse, if you want to be more than you already are, if you want to explore all the possibilities that are in your life, then there are some things you need to do first.

Where To Start

  • Discover what your dream is, either personally or professionally. Set yourself some goals and give them a deadline. A goal is a dream with a deadline. If there is no deadline it usually remains a dream. If there is no dream, the goal remains a dead line!
  • Surround yourself with empowering people all of whom are living their dream, either personally or professionally. Find a way to remove yourself from the “dream stealers” and the negative naysayers.
  • Spend time with people who believe in you more than you believe in yourself. Share your dream with them. Listen to and act on what they say to you.
  • Do for others what these people are doing for you. This way you create more people in your empowering circle.
  • Work out what the experiences are in your life that disempower you, and take control of them – work on them, change them or dump them.
  • Finally, take action. If you feel unsure about how to proceed, or overwhelmed by the idea, get a mentor to help you.

Six Month Group Mentoring Program

In 2020 I am conducting a 6 month Group Mentoring program for women in Melbourne. This will help women to light their fuse, so they can draw on the power within them and become everything they want to be.

On December 9, 2019 I will conduct a 2 hour workshop in Melbourne where I will introduce some of the issues that stop women on their way to empowerment. A small group of people from this workshop will join the group mentoring program. They will empower themselves and one another as I facilitate the lighting of their fuses and they discover ways to negotiate the challenges that stand in the way of them accelerating their journey to the leadership positions they desire.

More information here.

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