Be Difference Makers and Put A Dent in the Universe

Be Difference Makers

This was an article I wrote 5 years ago and having re-read it recently I was surpised at how relevant it still is. Its message is particularly relevant in this new normal COVID world. It was Steve Jobs who famously said: “We are here to put a dent in the Universe”. To make sure, that when we do, our dent has our our unique name on it is a challenge. It’s an even bigger challenge to know what we need to do to put the dent there in the first place. This is what being Difference Makers is about. There are 6 attributes that make Difference Makers.

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Are Limiting Beliefs Sabotaging Your Career Development?

Take back control

So many of the people that come to me are suppressing some part of themselves and letting their limiting beliefs sabotage their career development. As a fee for service mentor, the people I see are highly motivated and prepared to invest in themselves financially, and invest their time and energy. At the outset they don’t realise that they are the only thing holding back the best version of themselves. So stop and refelct. What is stopping you from achieving your career goals? What are your limiting beliefs that you either aren’t aware of, or if you are can’t find a way to way break through them?

Or should it be: Who is stopping you achieving your career goals? Who is standing in your way, giving you negative messages, or creating barriers that you are unable to break through? Mentors can help you breakthrough these roadblocks and have the career you want.

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