Mentoring the New Focus For Maree's Work

In spite of significant amounts of money being spent on leadership development,

leaders are experiencing great gaps in their ability to lead in this

challenging and complex new environment.

Maree believes one reason for this is that many leadership development programs

primarily focus on what leaders need to DO.

You may well come away motivated and inspired, only to discover it dissipates

quickly when you can't adapt that learning to your actual work challenges

and initiate the changes and transformations you desire.

Maree believes there needs to be more focus on Self-Leadership skills

that take leaders from what they need to DO, to who they need to BE.

Self-leadership skills are the missing piece to empowered leadership today.

After 17 years facilitating workshops, masterclasses, team retreats, mentoring and coaching,

Maree has re-evaluated her work post COVID. While not abandoning her commitment to

leadership development, she is discontinuing most of her leadership development work

to more sharply focus it on where she believes it can have most impact - in mentoring.

Mentoring can often take leaders from where they are when they come into a session,
to where they want to be when they leave.
They can return to their workplace and effect immediate change and create outcomes.
The Self-Leadership Skills, on which Maree's work is focused enhances
not only their professional lives, but their personal lives as well.

What you can become by working with maree

A transformational leader

What the COVID pandemic has taught us is that leaders can't set things right by tinkering around the edges. They need to transform what is into something new for these times. Mentoring can help you sustain the courage to be transformational.

A highly sought after professional

The professional who is highly sought after is the one whose technical skills are complemented by well developed soft skills. Maree is highly skilled in helping you develop and enhance those soft skills.

a leader for these times

These are challenging times characterised by uncertainty and disruption. As a leader you need to be able to work with that reality, taking your people with you. Mentoring is a  highly supportive process as you endeavour to do that.

MareeHarris, PhD.

A high energy, high performing leader

In these challenging times of change and uncertainty, overwhelm can be close to the surface. The high energy leader, however, inspires and motivates people to high performance. Mentoring helps you sustain that energy.

an Insightful professional

Mentoring helps you gain insight into who you are as a professional, what makes you tick. It empowers you to be insightful in your relationship with others, motivating them to be their best.

The best version of yourself

This is about knowing who you want to BE as  a professional and what is standing in the way of you BEING that person. Mentoring with Maree will help you discover your strenghts take you on a reflective journey of discovery to Be that professional. 

Mentoring with maree

If you are someone who is committed to your professional and career development

and is prepared to invest time, energy and money into being the best version of yourself,

then Maree will work with you.

Most of the professionals she has worked with up until now, however,

have fallen into one of the three groups below.

In mentoring individuals Maree will work face to face or via zoom, or a combination of both.

Mentoring face to face
Mentoring via Zoom

Maree will also facilitate Group Mentoring Sessions

Group Mentoring with Maree Harris, Ph.D.

Read Maree's E-Book on Mentoring

Download Maree's Terms of Engagement

  • 1 Make an appoitnment for a no obligation half hour Zoom call with Maree to see if you resonate with her and her approach and to see if she can get you the outcomes you want. Engaging with the right mentor is essential to your success.
  • 2 If you decide to proceed, contact Maree again to set up your first session.
  • 3 In that first session Maree will help you clarify what outcomes you want from the mentoring and help you develop a plan to achieve that. That plan will involve both reflective work and practical actions.
  • 4 Once you have that plan, your commitment to the mentoring needs to become a high priority for you on which you work consistently. There is no value coming into mentoring if you do not have the time to do the work.
  • 5 Remember mentoring is a journey you are on and you are never alone. Maree will walk the road with you, but you need to commit to the journey even when the road gets rough.
  • 6 It will depend on the outcomes you want and how soon you want them as to how often we meet. It may be fortnightly or monthly. Anything more than monthly does not serve the process and will not bring you satisfying outcomes.