Are You Running on Empty?

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What a last couple of years we have gone through? And while the powers that be have given us to believe, with their silence, that it is all over, we know it is not. It is not surprising that many people are running on empty. They have given their everything to surviving over the last few years. However all the strategies that typically helped no longer did given the duration of this unprecedented event and its intransigence about leaving. So what do you do when you know you are running on empty and need to fill up. Here are some suggestions.

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Lessons For Leaders From The Pandemic

Lesson for leaders from the pandemic

It was a privilege to be asked by a colleague and good friend of mine, Gary Ryan, to write and record the forward to his book “Disruption Leadership Matters – lessons for leaders from the pandemic”.

Gary’s book went on to become an Amazon Number #1 Best Seller on Kindle. I am sure many of the people in my People Empowered Community would be interesed in Gary’s book. I am forwarding you a copy of my Forward and the audio version of it. I hope it inspires you to buy Gary’s book in what ever version most resonates with you.

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