Are You Ready For A Career Change?

Career Change - give an encore performance

COVID gave so many professionals the opportunity to step back and do a re-think on every part of their lives, their professional lives being no exception. Many decided they were ready for a career change. They decided, when the disruptive virus caused them to stop and reflect, that they didn’t want to go back into the rat race in which they had worked for too many years. Nor did they want to continue visiting groundhog day. Others realised that the job they had was never really what they wanted to do anyway. They had gone into that industry or professional sector because mum and dad had done that. Unfortunately others lost their jobs during that time and began to contemplate a career change that offered more security in this disrupted world.

Some viewed this reality with fear and trepidation, not knowing where to start. Other approached it with excitement and took pro-active initiatives to pursue their career change, one of which was to seek mentoring and coaching to accelerate the process. These excited professionals gave an Encore Performance. If you are still parked in the garage with the car running too afraid to back out, get on the road and make the career change move, then this article is for you.

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Empowered Leadership in Practice

Employee engagement

Every leader wants a team of high performing professionals in their organisation. How you achieve that is the big question. I’ve written previously about what I consider are the three big motivators – Engage, Empower and Elevate that will see you achieving that.
There are also many other skills that can enhance your leadership. I have selected six that when developed and enhanced are the ones that I believe will bring the most significant outcomes. Those of you who know my work will know that my focus is on the soft skills needed for leadership.

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The Three Kinds of Coaching

Mentoring a Low Performer

  In Part 1 of this series of blogs on Coaching I discussed How You Find the Right Coach for You and in Part 2 What Happens in Coaching. In this third part I want to talk with you about what people talk about in Coaching, the three kinds of coaching. People will seek out a coach…

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What Happens In Coaching?


When I started “coaching” back in 1994, I didn’t have an answer to this question. While 20 plus years have passed I think there are people out there still who wonder what the answer to that question is. That’s why I wanted to address this in Part 2 of my series of blogs on coaching. Coaching is first and foremost a relationship between you and your coach. It is highly personal, highly confidential and calls for mutual trust. The desired result is that you will grow professionally and personally. It is all these characteristics and the fact that coaching is very immediate – it discusses what you faced and grappled with that morning – that gives it an edge as a learning and development experience. But it is more than that so read on.

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How Do You Find The Right Coach For You?

Businesswoman looking for a coach

Are you one of those people like a highly motivated colleague of mine, Margo, who has been through a number of coaches, spending considerable amounts of money, looking for the coach that is right for her?

In fact, Margo isn’t my colleague’s real name. While she was willing for me to tell her story she didn’t want to be identifiable by any of the three coaches she saw before she found the right one. She didn’t want them to feel devalued by what she told me. They were committed and attentive to her, but they found it difficult to understand and provide what she wanted from the coaching. She had difficulty connecting with them. She is not criticising them for that. She knows other people who see these coaches and are happy with them. They were just not the right coach for her, but in spite of trying three times she was disillusioned when she couldn’t find the right one for her. This blog series will focus the search for you.

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