Making Decisions and Committing to Them

Make Commitments, Not just Decisions

I’m sure all of us can to relate to making decisions but then not committing to making them happen. There is a very real difference between a decision and a commitment.

I certainly have made many decisions in my life time but never followed through to making them happen. In fact making decisions is very easy. It’s just words. But making a commitment is very hard. It requires action and it often means stepping out of our comfort zone into a place where we feel very unsure of ourselves.

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Don’t Wait! The Time Will Never Be Right.

The time will never be right

How often have you waited for the time to be right and in retrospect missed out on a great opportunity?

How many years have you actually been waiting for the time to be right to do what you really want to do, knowing it will change your life? But the time will never be right. There are no guarantees either that any decision you make will be right, that any action you take will be successful. What you can guarantee is your own absolute commitment to it. I can do this. I will do this. I can make this happen no matter what gets in the way. Now is the right time. I will make this the right time.
Empower yourself for success. Take action now!

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Empowered Leadership in Practice

Employee engagement

Every leader wants a team of high performing professionals in their organisation. How you achieve that is the big question. I’ve written previously about what I consider are the three big motivators – Engage, Empower and Elevate that will see you achieving that.
There are also many other skills that can enhance your leadership. I have selected six that when developed and enhanced are the ones that I believe will bring the most significant outcomes. Those of you who know my work will know that my focus is on the soft skills needed for leadership.

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Monday Motivation November 26, 2018. Say Thank You And Change Your World.

Say Thank You and Change Your World

It’s only two small words but they make a world of difference. In fact, they can change people’s lives and change the world in which we live. However more often than not we haven’t time to say them. Of course, I’m talking about those two words – “Thank You”.
We live our lives on a frantic freeway, always racing, never time to stop. It’s a 7 day working week nowadays.
With all this rush and tear of modern life, we do not have time anymore for some of the most important things in life – valuing and appreciating one another, showing gratitude, acknowledging the goodness of people, giving one another the positive feedback that makes us feel valuable, important and worthwhile – and saying “thank you”.

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Monday Motivation November 19, 2018 – Exercise Increases Our Energy and Productivity

Exercise increases energy and productivity

It was Richard Branson who said that for every hour of exercise he does, he gets an extra 4 hours of productivity. Who wouldn’t want to be as productive, have as much energy, achieve as much and be as successful as he is? He does know what he is talking about.

Any of us who exercise on a regular basis would agree with him.

Exercise gets our hearts pumping. It sends fresh oxygen streaming through our bodies. It enlivens us. Rather than making us tired, it energises us. It clears our heads and brings clarity of mind. It focuses us. It keeps our bodies young and strong. There is increasing evidence that it protects us from a whole range of diseases.

So why, when we know exercise brings increased energy and productivity, do so few of us do it?

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Monday Motivation, November 12, 2018 – Play A Bigger Game

Play a Bigger Game

Do you believe in yourself? Do you, yourself, have a multitude of limiting beliefs standing in the way of your success? Do you need to take your foot off the brake and play a bigger game than the one you are playing now?

If you have dreams and aspirations, if you know you have so much talent and ability but fear to put it out there, to test it out in the marketplace of ideas and opinions, you are playing small. Why? Because you worry that maybe you will fall short of other’s expectations, that you will receive embarrassing critiques, that someone will deflate your dream or idea or opinion in one foul swoop.

So what do you do? You stay safe. You become the person who everyone says is “such a lovely person” or “a great guy”, the one everyone likes. You become the one your CEO says is “an enormous asset to our organisation”, the one “the organisation would be lost without”, yet you haven’t received a promotion or a new opportunity offered to you in the last 3 years.

So what’s happening here?

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Monday Motivation November 5, 2018 – Focus on People’s Strengths, Not Their Weaknesses

Focus on People's Strengths

So many of us live our lives not believing in ourselves, doubting our capabilities.

Maybe we were told at school that we’d never amount to anything.

Maybe someone constantly called us “stupid”. Maybe after a while we believed them and we’re still believing them decades later.

But for some of us someone came along and changed all that. Someone came into our life who believed in us more than we believed in ourselves.
Someone saw our strengths, our talent and our potential.
You can be that person for someone else. You can change the direction of someone’s life.

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Monday Motivation October 29, 2018 Do You Make Decisions or Commitments?

Do you make decisions or commitments

Why are some people more successful than others with seemingly the same opportunities – because they make commitments, not merely decisions. How many decisions have you made this year and not followed through with them? We make a start, but we don’t carry through past a few weeks with the exercise, or losing weight or stopping smoking.

We start the report but after the first distraction we don’t return to it.

We have a raft of reasons why we can’t do all the other things we decided we were going to do. Decisions are nothing more than ideas in our heads unless we take action on them. Commitment is the Energy  that fuels our action. Self-discipline is the energy that fuels commitment.

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Monday Motivation October 22, 2018 – Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem?

Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem

Peter Wilson, President of the Australian Human Resource Institute, has said that only 24% of employees in Australian organisations are engaged, 60% are neutral – just there but not really engaged – 16% are turned off. Not only are these statistics worrying, they raise a big question – WHY? Why do so many people in our organisations feel unable to take the action that would see them become more engaged?

If you had a magic wand, what 3 problems in your workplace would you like solved? Now, I’m going to challenge you to be very honest with yourself.
Have you even tried to solve them?
Why haven’t you been able to solve these problems up until now?
In every workplace. people complain about the problems and about why “someone” isn’t doing anything about it.
Those who complain become part of the problem. The more they complain the bigger the problem becomes.

The late President John F. Kennedy once said:

I thought “someone” should do something, and then realised
I was “someone”.

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Monday Motivation October 15, 2018 – Are You A Glass Half Full Person Or A Glass Half Empty One?

glass half full person

This is not just a quirky question. It determines whether people want to work WITH your organisation or just FOR it. There is a big difference. It also draws people to you or makes them run in the opposite direction when they see you coming. No one wants to be around the person who always sees the negative in everything, the person who always focuses on the difficulty in everything, never on the opportunity.

Martin Seligman, the founder of Positive Psychology, called this our “explanatory style”, the way we explain what is happening in our lives. It’s very much about our mindset. Our explanatory style, he says, determines whether we are happy in our lives or depressed, whether we are a pessimist or an optimist. People who have a positive explanatory style can explain even the most devastating experiences in a glass half full way, in a positive explanatory style.

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