Procrastination is Exhausting


Procrastination ……….. we all know what that is. Some of us know it better than others because we live with it day after day. It’s our constant companion. It is so exhausting and fatiguing.

That project, report, phone call, letter, difficult conversation or action we have to take is on our mind all the time. We know we have to do it but we keep defering and delaying it. Why? We know it is not going to go away on its own. We all know that ultimately we are going to have to do it.

In the meantime, it absorbs enormous amounts of our emotional energy as we worry and angst about it.

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Empowering You Through Mentoring

EmpowerYourself Through Mentoring

During the last week People Empowered turned 17 years old. It felt very right to celebrate 17 years, rather than wait until the 20th anniversary which most people would have done. Why? Because I’m re-branding again.

People Empowered has continued to provide leadership development for 17 years – workshops, training, mentoring, coaching consultation and facilitation. But COVID has caused me, like so many others, to re-evaluate what I want to be doing into the future, where I can make most impact and difference for leaders. I’ve decided to specialise in mentoring from my 17th year onwards and that’s why I am celebrating. Soon I will have a revamped website that will reveal how I can empower you through mentoring.

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