Self-Leadership is Leading From Within

Self Leadership Conversation

Some weeks ago I had this video conversation about Self-Leadership with colleague and friend, Ian Berry. He wanted to talk with me about my ebook “Lead from Within -Be An Empowered Leader For An Unpredicable Future.” This is the book people receive when they sign up to my blog. I believe that the first responsibility of leaders today is to lead and manage themselves. If they cannot do that, they have no right to expect to lead and manage others. This means, as the late Jim Rohn said, “working as hard on yourself as you do on your job”. It means making a commitment to developing and enhancing their self-leadership. We discuss the 7 self-leadership skills that significantly enhance the leadership of those who commit to working on themselves with a mentor or coach.

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Why Leaders Need To Make R-U-O-K- Day Bigger Than A Day.

Employee engagement

On R-U-O-K Day I wrote a post on LinkedIn, sharing an article, published in the Guardian, by clinical psychologist, Dr Sanah Ahsan, titled “I’m a Psychologist – and I believe we’ve been told devastating lies about mental health”. Because this post was so widely read, liked and shared, I have developed it out into a much longer article.
She gave us cause to pause and think on R-U-O-K Day when she said that “society’s understanding of mental health issues locates the problem inside the person – and ignores the politics of their distress”.
My own experience is consistent with this belief.

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