Leadership Development Through Mentoring.

Leadership Development Through Mentoring

In spite of billions of dollars being spent by organisations on leadership development programs globally, 75% have found their programs ineffective. Add to that the 70,000 books and videos on leadership development, and leaders are still left with big gaps in skill development. With some programs and courses costing a fee of anything from $50,000 – $150,000, organisations are realising a poor return on their investment.

The reasons for the failure of so many leadership development programs are varied, but the key criticisms are that the programs are too theoretical and academic, not addressing in a practical way the real issues that leaders are facing. There is no follow up within the organisation afterwards, and no support to implement what was taught and learned. Gallup’s research had shown that 87% of the skills learned in a single workshop are lost within a month and participants revert to the way they did things before. Knowing this was a strong reason for me to shift to focusing all my leadership development work on mentoring post COVID.

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Emotional Bank Accounts Enhance Employee Engagement

Emotional bank accounts enhance employee engagement

Could it be this easy – that emotional bank accounts enhance employee engagement? Wouldn’t we all do it?  Well it can be that easy with a lot of commitment from those at the top. But it requires a change in mindsets and behaviours, but the results are significant. The level of disengagement globally is very high. According to highly regarded Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace Report 2022, employee engagement in Australia and New Zealand is 19%.

Research after research project has shown the importance of employee engagement on all aspects of business success. There are already some organisations that have already discovered this. These are the businesses that the same report above has shown have 23% higher profits due to their high employee engagement. The impact that lack of engagement has also significantly impacts productivity with some suggesting that it costs businesses up to 42% year.

The research revealed that most employees do not feel valued and appreciated at work by their managers or their organisations. Is this why so many are disengaged? If this why so many organisations are unproductive?

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