Rethinking Performance Appraisals

Are performance appraisals the bane of your life?

Do you dread doing them and you find your employees hate them also?

Do you know that there is no other business practice that fails so often to bring about the outcomes it sets for itself, but continues to be used year after year?

Did you know also that increasing numbers of organisations are abandoning them in favour of better ways of motivating and enhancing the performance of their people?

You can also do that!

It has surprised me as I work in this area how many people do not realise there are alternatives to the traditional performance appraisals and alternatives that produce much better outcomes for motivating the performance of their people.

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How To Maintain the Momentum After A Training Program.

setting priorities

It doesn’t matter whether it is a day training program, a two day conference, a coaching or mentoring experience or an online course, many people find it very challenging to maintain the momentum. You leave the program feeling energised and then….

One expert has made the observation that 15% will leave the experience feeling they gained nothing from it.

85% will leave feeling it was valuable and will be highly motivated to use what they have learned to improve their professional work. After a month 70% of those will have been sucked back into doing things the way they did them before the training.

Only 15% will actually translate what they learned into action and implement changes in their professional lives and accelerate their careers in the process.

So what do those 15% do differently to maintain the momentum?

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