Advancing Your Career As A Professional Woman

Professional Woman

If you’re reading this blog post, then you are a professional woman, one of the hundreds out there, committed to advancing your career. I’m sure, however, that you have a variety of motivations for doing that. I asked two groups of women who did a workshop with me on “Advancing Your Career”, why they wanted to advance their careers. Here are 11 of the many responses I received. But what are the obstacles standing in the way of these women achieving them? I don’t necessarily agree with all of these realities and I have great respect for the women who challenge them wanting to make a difference. There are significant structural and cultural issues in society that are often all but impossible for professional women to surmount. But things are begining to change. I am inspired by professional women of all ages who are wanting to make a difference. I am privileged to support them in mentoring.

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