Empowering You Through Mentoring

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Have you ever had a watershed experience, an experience that inspires an aha moment of insight that calls for you to make a big change in your life?

Such watershed experiences come uninvited and without an attached plan, which initially can shake our foundations because they raise questions about the road we are travelling, questions we previously hadn’t asked ourselves.

When we stop and take those questions seriously, however, and open ourselves up to finding answers, we so often discover in our answers a conviction that inspires us to follow through and make a change.

It was the COVID pandemic that presented me with my watershed experience and the aha moment of insight. I am turning the next page of my life and spending the next part of it empowering leaders through mentoring.

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Take Back Control in a Crisis

Take back control

Tony Schwartz and Emily Pines wrote a great article during COVID titled “Coping with Fatigue, Fear and Panic During a Crisis”. I shared it at the time, but most would have read it with COVID eyes. I am sharing it again in this blog post because it has a universal message for any crisis we may be going through. Tony and Emily tell us that 3 Selves rear their heads when we face a crisis – The Survival Self, The Overwhelmed Self and The Adult Self. The only one that will help us manage and move through the crisis contructively is if we can take back control by acting out of our Adult Self.

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Procrastination is an Emotional Issue

Procrastination is not a time management issue as many think. It is an emotional issue.The irony is that many people, if not most, want tips and strategies for managing it. They are easy to give but they may work one or two times, but then people find themselves procrastinating again. Why? Strategies, which sit well within our rational and logical self, only work when they are aligned, and work hand in hand, with our emotional self.

Many people who struggle with procrastination have all kinds of emotional obstacles blocking their success. They procrastinate for a whole range of reasons, and finding out why is the first step in overcoming procrastination.

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