Are You Ready For A Career Change?

Career Change - give an encore performance

COVID gave so many professionals the opportunity to step back and do a re-think on every part of their lives, their professional lives being no exception. Many decided they were ready for a career change. They decided, when the disruptive virus caused them to stop and reflect, that they didn’t want to go back into the rat race in which they had worked for too many years. Nor did they want to continue visiting groundhog day. Others realised that the job they had was never really what they wanted to do anyway. They had gone into that industry or professional sector because mum and dad had done that. Unfortunately others lost their jobs during that time and began to contemplate a career change that offered more security in this disrupted world.

Some viewed this reality with fear and trepidation, not knowing where to start. Other approached it with excitement and took pro-active initiatives to pursue their career change, one of which was to seek mentoring and coaching to accelerate the process. These excited professionals gave an Encore Performance. If you are still parked in the garage with the car running too afraid to back out, get on the road and make the career change move, then this article is for you.

What Will Be On The Next Page Of Your Life

Just imagine you are watching a concert at the Performing Arts Centre. The curtain goes down and every one applauds the great performance. They keep on applauding until the curtain goes back up again and the artists return to the stage. They give an Encore Performance, singing a new song that was not part of their first performance. You too can give an Encore Performance. You can be an Encore Professional.

Who Are The Encore Professionals Who Are Making A Career Change?

In my mentoring I have worked with 6 groups of people who have chosen to be Encore Professionals and who have made, or are making, a career change.

Refiring, Not Retiring

Until recently,when most people turned the next page of their lives, what was written on it was Retirement. That is not the case anymore, especially for you. Retirement is not on your radar. But you do not want to pursue a new version of the profession in which you have spent your entire life. You are highly energised and fired up to make the next page of your life something different. If you are unsure what that could be then mentoring can help you gain clarity and get the support you need to chart your new future.

Moing To a New Career

COVID has seen many professionals reflect on their careers and re-think their futures. They are not only considering changing jobs but also changing careers. If you are one of those professionals who has reached that point in your professional life where you want a career change, don’t hesitate and procrastinate about taking action. It is a natural reaction to feel apprehensive and uncertain about such a big step. Mentoring can help you clarify your thinking and facilitate your decision-making. With that clarity you will feel empowered to navigate the change and the challenges inherent in it so you can confidently move to a new beginning.

Chosing A Future Oriented Career

After leaving school so many professionals, like you, follow in their parent’s footsteps. You choose the same profession because your parents, wanting only the best for you, told you that it offers a secure, stable and financially rewarding long term future. Recently you have become aware that their advice no longer rings true for you. It’s not what you want to do into the future. In the rapidly changing uncertain world in which you are living, you don’t see that professional career as necessarily secure, stable or even financially rewarding any longer. If this really is you, but you are hesitating and even apprehensive about making the break, let alone having this conversation with your parents, then mentoring could be very helpful and supportive.

Redundancy To New Beginnings

Choosing redundancy can be liberating. Being made redundant can be devastating. Whichever is your experience, you may be unsure about where to go next. Many people begin to look for another job in the same industry or professional sector. That doesn’t have to be your only option. You may not be aware of how transferable your skills are and what other industries or professional sectors would value your skill set. Mentoring can help you explore all the options available to you and maybe inspire an exciting new beginning.

Giving Back Future

Many professionals who have had highly successful careers decide that the next page they turn in their life will be a Giving Back page. They decide not to accept the prized offer of the executive search firm, who has heard they are leaving their current role, or pursue any other highly paid professional career. Instead they decide to give their experience and expertise back to the community and society to which they attribute their success, at a nominal fee or pro bono. If this is you, but you need to explore your options and align your expertise and experience with your aspirations, then mentoring can be a very helpful way to do that.

Focusing On Who You Really Want To Be

Career advisers, parental expectations, and high academic results with associated career expectations, see many professionals lacking congruence in their professional lives. Who they really are deep within, what they believe, and the values they hold are in conflict with the work they are doing in their industry or professional sector. If this is you and you have been aware of this for some time, then maybe it is time to stop and address it. Even while you are very successful and highly regarded at what you are doing, if it is incongruent with who you are, or who you have become, then it is very important for your future success and well-being that you align who you want to BE with what you DO. Mentoring can help you explore that and become true to yourself.

Is It Time For You To Give An Encore Performance?

There is never a right time. Talk with your family and close associates. Seek the expertise of a experienced mentor or coach. Just Do It!

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