E-Books for reading on the go anywhere
Maree has chosen this selection of E-Books. They all reflect her commitment to
empowering you to BE the leader you want to BE.
They all focus on the development and enhancement of your
Self-Leadership Skills.

Coming Soon!
This booklet is in production and will become available by mid August at the latest.

Empowering you for leadership Lead from Within
This booklet is about Maree's Signature Leadership Development Program which she ran before she began specialising in mentoring. Its content is very relevant to everything Maree aspires to do with those who come to her for mentoring. She wants them to develop and enhance the seven Self-Leadership Skills she sees as so very important for leadership today. The booklet backgrounds why she sees Self-Leadership as important and also how she works.
It is available in digitial form and hard copy. Email Maree with a postal address if you would like a complimentary copy/ies of the hard copy.

Lead Your People Empowered leadership in practice
This booklet is about a Leadership Development Program Maree ran before she began specialising in mentoring. It reflects issues she still works with in mentoring. It highlights 3 key motivators that leaders need to embrace if they want to create high performing teams -
how to ENGAGE, EMPOWER and ELEVATE their people..
It is available in digital form and hard copy. Email Maree with a postal address if you would like a complimentary copy/ies of the hard copy.

Take Your foot of the brake
18 Inspirational Reflections to Accelerate Your Career
These 18 reflections, based on the thoughts of 18 people whose words have inspired Maree, will hopefully motivate, empower and inspire you also.
Take your foot off the brake is all about overcoming the fear that stands in the way of you being and doing everything you desire both professionally and personally.

Consultative Supervision for
Human Services Professionals
This is the December 2019 edition of this booklet explaining the type of supervision Maree offers human service professionals.
Consultative Supervision, as Maree engages with it, is a more collegial and collaborative relationship than how supervision is traditionally understood. Practitioners are consulting with a colleague who they see as having the
experience and/or expertise they want at that time, or whose way of knowing and being, is congruent with theirs, someone with whom they therefore feel professionally and psychologically "safe".
In the years since 2019, there has also been a tendency for many who would traditionally seek "supervision", to come asking for mentoring.

Lead From Within
Be An Empowered Leader For An Unpredictable Future
This book, which has been originally been writtten as an e-book, is currently being edited and expanded into a hard copy book. In the meantime the e-book version can be downloaded here.