Managing The Emotional Stress Of Clients

If you, as finance professionals, can learn how to appropriately respond to the emotional stresses of your clients, if you can learn how to contain those emotions and hold them for your clients, while you work through solutions to their financial issues, your professional reputation will be enhanced.

When clients enter your offices in highly emotional states, yet leave confident that not only have you the skills to help them financially, but that you also have the ability to contain their emotional state so that they can constructively, even if not always confidently, move forward, you will have become the highly skilled trusted advisor that the new economy needs. These are skills that will enhance the professional identity of you as a finance professional and see you stand out from the crowd.

What's In The Workshop?

  • Why You, As A Finance Professional, Cannot Merely Be The Technical Professional Today, But Must Also Develop Your Soft Skills And Be Able To Respond To Your Clients’ Emotions.

  • The need to understand the emotions that clients bring into your office.

  • Your own emotional reaction to your clients’ emotions, in other words, becoming the emotionally aware professional.

  • The skills you need to develop and enhance for responding to your clients’ emotions.

  • When and how to refer clients’ on to specialist support and help.

What Maree's Clients Have To Say

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