Advancing Your Career In This New Economy
If you want a career, not just a job, this workshop is for you. It will give you strategies and skills to help you develop and enhance your personal brand – The Brand Called You - and your professional identity. It will give you the skills to act like the leader you want to be so that you attract to you the opportunities that will see you move on and up in your career. If you are highly motivated to succeed, it will give you the road map you need because in this uncertain and unpredictable new environment finding your way to success is challenging.
There was a time when the organisation that employed you took responsibility for your career development. That was when there were career ladders to climb. Those days are gone because the career ladder has many broken and missing rungs and you cannot use it to move on and up. Today you need to take responsibility for advancing your career. You need a plan.
In this workshop Maree will discuss with you a 5-point plan of action which will drive your career forward.
Act like a leader and you will attract leadership positions to you.
Manage your energy and you’ll have time for everything you want to do.
Learn to “Manage Up”, that is manage your manager who has significant power to influence your career development.
Build relationships and connections with empowered and empowering people who can support and guide your career development. Remember your network is your net-worth.
Work with a mentor or a performance partner who will sustain your motivation and inspiration.