This website is owned and operated by People Empowered and its director, Dr. Maree Harris, Ph.D. Her contact details can be found at the bottom of every page.

She respects and values you and your privacy. It’s very important to her. She will never misuse it in any way


She will only ever ask you for the personal details needed to provide the information, products or service you require from her. In some situations,  additional information may be required to meet legal or taxation obligations.

This information will also never be sold or shared with any third party.

She will always provide to you, on request, details of the information she has on record about you.

Your Name and Email Address.

Your name and email address is added to the People Empowered data base when you subscribe to any of the complimentary or paid products on this website. It is also added when you participate in any of Maree's workshops or professional development activities either live, online or by telephone. However, you will always be sent an email asking you to confirm that invitation to be added. If you do not wish to confirm you can ignore the email and you will not be added.

Additional Personal Information.

If you provide other information, such as a street address or telephone number, so that you can be provided with a service you have requested from People Empowered, this information is only stored for the period of time required to provide the service or as required to meet legal or taxation obligations. It is then removed from our records.

Financial Information.

Maree presently offers 3 payment methods for clients. Her preferred option is payment by direct deposit into her bank account. She also offers the option to pay by credit card by phoning in your credit card details.  These are processed directly from her bank and details are stored there, not on Maree's system. This protects your privacy by not revealing your financial details to her. She also offers online payment by PayPal. All the above financial transaction details are stored securely  for the period mandated by her financial institution and for taxation purposes.

Statistical Information.

When you visit the People Empowered website, the web host records general information about your visit – date and time, your server address, the pages you visited or downloaded, links you clicked and the browser you used. It does not record any personal information about you. This information is used by us for statistical purposes and to improve our service to our clients and visitors.

Removing Your Personal Information.

There are unsubscribe links on all emails from People Empowered that relate to the collection of your personal information, By clicking on that link, you are automatically and immediately removed from that data base.

Alternatively, you may contact us personally to have your personal information removed.

Changes to the Policy.

This policy may change and develop in the future. It is recommended that you revisit it periodically if you are concerned about the way your personal information is stored.

Further Information.

If you have any further questions about this Privacy Policy, or if you believe any of the information is incorrect, it would be appreciated if you contacted us.

Dr Maree Harris, Ph.D.


December 2022